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_________________ Johnny Bouman ______________

  1. Albatross Again

Peter Green, text: Evert Jan Bouman

|: E F#m :|
Albatross Again 
Evert Jan Bouman 
Albatross, on your wings sails a king, 
Albatross, on your wings sails a king, 
He offers you, he offers you 
A golden ring. 
Your nightly halo from dusk to dawn, 
Your nightly halo from dusk to dawn, 
Makes the face of mother earth, face of mother earth, 
it makes it frown, it makes it frown. 
I want to see you with your eyes, 
I want to see you with your eyes, 
The Ocean surface, the Ocean surface, 
A paradise, a paradise. 
I hear you speak and sing, 
I hear you speak and sing 
About a snow white angel, a snow white angel 
With a coal black ring, a coal black ring. 
Albatross, borrow me your wings, 
Albatross, borrow me your wings. 
Then my blue heart, my ocean blue heart, 
hear, it sings, Lord, it sings. 
Albatross, on your wings sails a king, 
Albatross, on your wings sails a king,. 
I see his eyes, his coal black eyes 
In that golden ring, that golden ring. 
Da da da... 

6/8 "Achtung Achtung... Wir schaffen das!

  2. Am Strand von Duisburg

Evert Jan Bouman

Wenn das Eis am Pol geschmolzen ist, - ist es Schluss mit Hollands Gnadenfrist.
D A E7 A
Die blaue Welle schwappt nach Holland 'rein, - das orange Völkchen nistet sich in Deutschland ein.
Wenn durch den Klimawechsel das Wasser stets steigt, - Sind die guten Deutschen den Holländern zugeneigt. 
Die Nordseeküste grenzt dann ans Revier, - Dann gibt's eine Überdosis rohen Matjes hier. 
Am Strand von Duisburg gibt's Frikandel Spezial, Am Strand von Duisburg ist es Schluss mit Moral.
D A Bm E A
Es wird geschluckt, geliebt und ständig wird gekifft; Und wer's nicht will der wird nach Übersee verschifft.
(A- -hoi)
Wenn das Wasser kommt ist Holland in Not, - Dann gibt's in Deutschland endlich leckeres schwammiges Brot. 
In den Tomaten wird das Wasser harmlos gemacht, - Doch es reicht nicht aus, Holland verschwindet über Nacht. 
Erst waren sie Nachbarn, doch dann sind sie da. - Sie verkaufen hier Tulpen und Vanille Vla. 
Klocken auf Klompen hinter jedem Ball, - Lassen sich nicht lumpen, sie sind jetzt überall. 
Am Strand von Duisburg... 
Es wird hier bunt, fröhlich wie noch nie; - Sie gründen hier eine neue Monarchie. 
Und ich, ich werde dann euer König sein, - Mein Zepter wird grob, doch der Zwirn bleibt fein. 
Und jedes Fahrrad heißt hier dann "Fiets", - Und wer's nicht hören will oder kann, mein Freund, der sieht's. 
In jeder Stadt gibt's einen Wohnwagenpark, - Das "orangene Elftal" wird wird unbesiegbar stark. 
Am Strand von Duisburg... 
Sie trinken Jenever zu Kibbeling, - Sie bauen in jeder Stadt einen Grachtenring. 
Und in Dortmund trinkt man Grolsch und Heineken Bier, - Und Ruhrpottdam heißt dann die Hauptstadt vom Revier. 
Wir sind alle Germanen, die Wurzeln sind gleich, - Wir bauen zusammen einen riesigen Deich. 
Aus jedem Liter Milch wird "Gouda Kaas" gemacht, - "Guten Morgen Deutschland" und "Holland, Gute Nacht". 
Am Strand von Duisburg... 

  3. Cornelia

Text: Evert Jan Bouman, Musik: Tilmann Godau

| A | F#m | Bm | E | - | A | C# | C#7 | F#m
(intro) Cor-nelia, der Wind erzählt von dir undmir,
| D | Bm F#m | E
Wodoch der Herbst des Lebens in unsweilt.
| E7 | A | C# | C#7 | F#m
Cor-nelia, die Nacht gebärt der Morgenglut,
| A | D E | A |
DieLiebe stimmt uns froh, so dass sieheilt.
| A | C# | C#7 | F#m
Cor-nelia, wir steigenein, manchmal ein wenigschief,
| D | Bm F#m | E | E7
In denChor, der seit dem Paradieserklingt.
| A | C# | C#7 | F#m
Ichsage es im Lied, ich kann es nicht im Brief,
| A | D E | F | F G
Weil meineSeele imReim um Schönheitringt.
| C | Am | Dm Bb | G G7
Cor-nelia,vielleicht spürst du es auch, Dassseit der Stunde als wir uns ge-sehen,
| C | Am
Derdunkle Staub verweht undnur der weiße Rauch
| Dm Bb | G | E7
Uns vonneuem lehrt das Leben zu ver-stehen.
| A | C# | C#7 | F#m
Cor-nelia, der Weg, den ich alleineging,
| D | Bm F#m | E | E7
Wardoch für uns beide stets be-stimmt.
| A | C# | C#7 | F#m
DieLiebe, ach duMond, sie ist ein zauberhaftesDing,
| A | D E | F | F G
Siegibt während sie auch das ihrenimmt.
| C | Am | Dm Bb | G G7
Cor-nelia, wer weiß, vielleichtspürst du es auch, Dassseit der Stunde als wir uns ge-sehen,
| C | Am
Derdunkle Staub verweht undnur der weiße Rauch
| Dm Bb | G E7
Uns vonneuem lehrt das Leben zu ver-stehen.
| Am | F | Dm Bb | G E7
Cor-nelia, plötzlichwarst du da, DeineAugen zogen mich in ihrenBann.
| Am | F | Dm Bb | G E7
Cor-nelia, völligunverhofft, Dawarst du einfach Frau, ich einfachMann.
| F | G | A | A -
Ja,du warst einfach Frauund ich war einfachMann.
solo: | A | C# | C#7 | F#m | D | Bm F#m | E | E7 | A | C# | C#7 | F#m | A | D E | A
| A | C# | C#7 | F#m
Cor-nelia, wir werdensiegen, die Herzen schlagen im gleichenTakt,
| D | Bm F#m | E | E7
Das ver-lorene ist endlich wiederda.
| A | C# | C#7 | F#m
Was al-leine viel zuschwer ist, das wird gemeinsam ange-packt,
| A | D E | A
DasLeben will von uns ein klaresJa!
|: F#m | Bm | E | A :| F#m | Bm | E | F | F G | A |
DasLeben will vonuns ein klaresJa! Cor-neli-a! Corneli-a!

  4. Das Fundament der Liebe

Text: Christiane Lauf, Musik: Evert Jan Bouman

Gmaj7 Am6 Gmaj7 Am6
Das Fundament der Liebe, ist Aufrichtigkeit.
Gmaj7 Am6 Gmaj7 Am6
Das Fundament der Liebe, Ehrlichkeit zu Zweit.
Gmaj7 Am6 Gmaj7 Am6
Das Fundament der Liebe, die Treue gibt ihm Kraft.
|: C Bdim E E7/D C B Am :|
|: Für Dich und mich‚ so dass es Freude schafft. :|
C Am C Am
So werden wir versuchen - Auf diesem Fundament zu bauen.
C Am
Wir setzen Stein auf Stein.
|: E E7/D C B Am :|
|:Die Liebe schafft Vertrauen.:|
C Am C Am
Also werden wir versuchen, - Auf diesem Fundament zu bauen.
C Am
Während wir heiter und verbunden,
|: E E7/D C B Am :|
|:Uns in die Augen schauen.:|
Ja dann sehen wir mehr, erleben Neue Welt. 
Die Verlockung drängt sich auf, doch die Verlockung fällt. 
Der quälende Gedanke, hält nicht lange stand. 
Nichts wird mehr entzweit, wir haben es erkannt. 
Auf dem Fundament der Liebe, tanzend Hand in Hand. 
So werden wir versuchen, - Auf diesem Fundament zu bauen. 
Wir setzen Stein auf Stein. 
Die Liebe schafft Vertrauen, - Die Liebe schafft Vertrauen. 
Also werden wir versuchen, - auf diesem Fundament zu bauen. 
Während wir heiter und verbunden, 
Uns in die Augen schauen, - Uns in die Augen schauen. 


  5. Das Lied der betenden Witwe

Evert Jan Bouman

Am G Am
Hörst du die Glocken, meine Liebe? Sie rufen!
G Am
Die alten Witwen, sie eilen herbei.
Sie gehen auf die Knie, vergessen nie zu beten; - Auch für uns zwei.
Am G Am
Hörst du die Glocken, meine Liebe? Sie läuten!
G Am
Die alten Witwen, sie sind schon dabei;
Sie haben manches gesehen, können nicht alles verstehen,
Doch sie wissen: Die Liebe macht frei.
Am Dm Am Dm Am
Es ist das Lied der betenden Witwe, das überwindet, was quält.
Es ist die Menschlichkeit - die die Wunden heilt.
E Am G Am
Und die letztendlich zählt, Weil sie das Lied der Witwe beseelt.
Hörst du die Stimmen der scheinbaren Kleinen 
Die flüstern in jeder Nacht? 
Die haben niemals zerstört - und wer sie hört - Dem hat es Hoffnung gebracht. 
Hörst du die Stimmen der stillen Streiter 
die sich nicht beugen für Zwang oder Hass? 
Sie haben nur eins im Sinn, nicht den baren Gewinn 
Und nicht nur den billigen Spaß. 
Es ist das Lied der betenden Witwe, ... 
Hörst du die Herzen, meine Liebe? Sie schlagen 
Den Rhythmus zum ewigen Tanz. 
Für dich und für mich, nicht nur für sich, - Und nicht nur für Firlefanz. 
Hörst du die Witwen, meine Liebe? Sie singen 
Nicht für Ruhm, nicht für Applaus. 
Doch mit dem himmlischen Preis gehen sie leis' - In Frieden wieder nach Haus'. 
Es ist das Lied der betenden Witwe, ... 
a) Am G | Am | Am G | Am | Am G | G F | F | F | E b) Am Dm | Am | Am Dm | Am | Am G | G F | F | E | Am G | Am |: Strophe: a,a Refrain: b (Jürgen 2.Stimme hoch) a :| Solo: a,a R: b,b Rumba gitano - un,dos,tres=>Schluss

  6. Die Sehenden erblinden

Text: Evert Jan Bouman / Musik: H.-Jürgen Godau, Tilmann Godau

Am Em
Die namenlosen Kinder wälzen sich im Dreck,
Dm Am
Die Augen schimmern matt, zu viel gesehen.
Am Em
Sie war'n kaum da, da war die Kindheit auch schon weg,
Dm Am
Sie versuchen dumpf die Eltern zu versteh'n.
Am Em
Der Kampf ums nackte Dasein, die Mutter und ihr Kind,
Dm Am
Papa raubt und mordet für seinen Gott.
Am Em
Mama steht gerade im Sturm und Gegenwind
Dm G C E7
Und erntet dafür auch noch Hohn und Spott.
Am E
Die Sehenden erblinden, die Toten wollen die Macht,
G C E7
Die Taubstummen zerbrüllen jedes Lied.
Am E
Auf dem rechten Auge blind, wird das Heiligtum bewacht,
Während das linke Auge nur sich selber sieht.
Ein Jüngling wird erschossen, die Haut nicht hell genug; 
Das Mädchen wird verstümmelt, Blut und Rost. 
Viel zu laut geschrien ein-gepeitschter Lug und Trug. 
Draußen ist es Sommer, drinnen Frost. 
Die hölzern' Marionetten, sie mimen: alles klar. 
Keiner hat noch selber echt gedacht. 
Millionenfach gelogen ist immer noch nicht wahr, 
Der Ducker zahlt dem König seine Macht. 
Die Sehenden erblinden, die Toten wollen die Macht, 
Die Taubstummen zerbrüllen jedes Lied. 
Auf dem rechten Auge blind, wird das Heiligtum bewacht, 
Während das linke Auge nur sich selber sieht. 
Solo - Akkkkordeon
| Am | Em | Dm | Am | Am | Em | Dm | Am | | Am | E | G | C E7 | Am | E | G | C | B
Solo - Mundharmonika
| Em | Bm | Am | Em | Em | Bm | D | G B7 | | Em | B | D | G B7 | Em | B | D | G | G
Em Bm
Der König heißt Pilatus, wäscht die Hände frei von Schuld,
Am Em
Tritt mit den Füßen voller Dreck immer nach unten.
Em Bm
Der Schwache wird bespuckt, der Starke bekommt Huld
D G G7
Und er zündet seine unsichtbare Lunte.
C B7
Die Amsel singt auf dem Rollstuhl im Flur vom Flüchtlingsheim,
Am Em
Der Zimmermann hält grade Mittagsruh.
Em B7
Den Zorn der in ihm hochkommt erstickt er schon im Keim
D G B7
Und er zieht betrübt den Vorhang wieder zu.
Em B
Die Sehenden erblinden, die Toten wollen die Macht,
D G B7
Die Taubstummen zerbrüllen jedes Lied.
Em B
Auf dem rechten Auge blind, wird das Heiligtum bewacht,
Während das linke Auge nur sich selber sieht.

  7. Ich will leben

Evert Jan Bouman

riff: | A / / / | G / / / | D - / - C / | A / / / |
Ich will kein Gebot, ich will kein Surrogat. Ich will leben.
Und kein Geschwätz, gib mir lieber eine Tat. Ich will leben.
Ich will mich nicht ducken und schweigen aus Angst. Ich will leben.
alle A
Ich will zusehen wie du um mich bangst. Ich will leben.
| D mit til+christiane A
Ich will offen sein, was kommt ist egal,
Es gehört doch zu mir, nenn es Schicksal.
E | - nur johnny A G D C A
Ich will leben, und wenn es geht, mit dir.
Ich will keine Maske, ich will sichtbar sein. Ich will leben. 
Und keinen Süßstoff oder Wasser im Wein. Ich will leben. 
Ich bin keine Maschine oder Nummer im Amt. Ich will leben. 
Ich will mit dir sein wenn die Liebe entflammt. Ich will leben. 
Ich will offen sein, was kommt ist egal, 
Es gehört doch zu mir, nenn es Schicksal. 
Ich will leben, und wenn es geht, mit dir. 
|: A G D C A :| A E A E D A D A E |: A G D C A :|
|:riff :|solo |:riff :|
Ich will nicht nur fragen, was kommt nach dem Tod Ich will leben. 
Ich will nicht verkrampfen in der Kirche devot. Ich will leben. 
Ich will keine Frau die mein Verhalten diktiert. Ich will leben. 
Und keinen Chef der mich tyrannisiert. Ich will leben. 
Ich will offen sein, was kommt ist egal, 
Es gehört doch zu mir, nenn es Schicksal. 
Ich will leben, und wenn es geht, mit dir. 
Ich will keine Kinder die alles tun was ich sag'. Sie sollen leben. 
Meine Kinder sollen wählen, nicht nur mögen, was ich mag. Sie sollen leben. 
Und keiner soll sich stören wenn sie laut schreien. Leben. 
Alle sollen's hören wenn sie laut schreien. Leben, leben, leben, ... 
Sie sollen offen sein und was kommt ist egal, 
Denn es gehört doch zu ihrem Schicksal. 
Sie sollen leben, und wenn es geht, mit mir. 

Garagenrock mit Akne

  8. Kopf Hoch

Evert Jan Bouman

|: E A B E :|
Du bist einzigartig, du bist uniek,
Ein Bild für die Götter, ein Mosaik.
Du bist gewollt und du bist echt.
Und ohne dich ist mir gar nichts recht.
Deine Fehler sind Chancen,
Dein Versagen der Start.
Du bist wunderbar von hart bis zart.
Kopf hoch! Mensch, du bist grandios,
Und ohne dich ist hier gar nichts los.
Kopf hoch! Mensch, du bist einfach gut.
Steh zu dir selber, absolut.
Kopf hoch, und wenn der Nacken dreckig ist.
Kopf hoch, auch wenn du manchmal unten bist. Kopf hoch!
Lass das Motzen, lass das Klagen, 
Du bist gottgewollt, lenke dein' Wagen. 
Du hast die Zügel in deiner Hand, 
Führe die Pferde durch Stadt und Land. 
Geradeaus, guck nicht zurück, 
Dort vorne ist dein Weg, das ist dein Glück. 
Deine Pickel sind Perlen in deinem Gesicht, 
Und wer das nicht sieht, sieht sich selber nicht. 
Du hast doch Gefühle, du hast doch ein Herz, 
Werd' kein Opfer des toten Kommerz. 
Du bist einfach schön, du bist wunderbar, 
Werde deiner Kraft gewahr. 

intro: |: C Dm G G7 C G :|
Hu - Hu - Hu - Hu - Hu - Hu.

  9. Luise

Evert Jan Bouman

C Dm
Luise von der Kasse, - Ich find' dich einfach Klasse,
G G7 C G
Dein verschmitztes Lächeln im Gesicht.
C Dm
Durch deine ranke, schlanke Gestalt - Fühl ich mich nicht mehr alt;
G G7 C
Jedes Wort ist leicht und hat doch auch Gewicht.
Luise, Luise, eine sanfte Frühlingsbrise
Dm G C C7
Im Herbst, mit dem Winter oh so nah.
Luise, Luise, der Duft der Sommerwiese,
Dm E G E C
Seit ich dich zum ersten Male tanzen sah,
G7 C
Cha Cha Cha.
Aus deinen klaren Augen - Will ich dein Licht aufsaugen. 
Deine Heiterkeit erfrischt mein müdes Herz. 
Luise mein, vom ersten Tag, - Wusste ich dass ich dich mag. 
Das ernste Wort entpuppt sich als ein Scherz. 
Luise, Luise, eine sanfte Frühlingsbrise, 
Im Herbst, mit dem Winter oh so nah. 
Luise, Luise, der Duft der Sommerwiese, 
Seit ich dich zum ersten Male tanzen sah, Cha Cha Cha. 
Du bist jung und voller Kraft, - Stehst voll im Lebenssaft, 
Schenkst mir davon in einem lieben Gruß. 
Finden wir ein wenig Zeit - Für ein Stündchen nur zu zweit 
Mit vielleicht einem Abschiedskuss zum Schluss. 
Luise, Luise, eine sanfte Frühlingsbrise, 
Im Herbst, mit dem Winter oh so nah. 
Luise, Luise, der Duft der Sommerwiese, 
Seit ich dich zum ersten Male tanzen sah, Cha Cha Cha. 


 10. Schmetterling

Evert Jan Bouman

Schmetterling, du Schmetterling,
Du farbenfrohes Buntluftding. 
Der Wind trägt dich über Wasser und Erde;
Butterfly, du Butterfly. 
Gib nicht auf, nein, bleib dabei. 
Die Sonne wiegt dich zwischen "Stirb" und "Werde".
Ja, du schwebst klar von Blau nach Rot.
Ja, du bleibst wahr bis der Tod
G7 C
Dir sagt: Bis hier, Regenbogen, Blumentier!
Verwandle dich im Sonnenlicht 
Bis eine Raupe sich verkriecht. 
Verborgen ruht er, um sich zu entfalten, 
Schmetterling, du Schmetterling. 
Geschlossen hat sich dann der Ring 
Und Schönheit lässt sich in den Farben walten. 
Ja, du schwebst klar von Blau nach Rot. 
Ja, du bleibst wahr bis der Tod 
Dir sagt: Vorbei, Bi-Ba-Butterfly! 
Akkordeon Solo - Strophe&Refrain
Papillon, Papillon, 
Du tanzt zu dem Akkordeon 
Und ich begleite dich im Walzertakt. 
Butterfly, du Butterfly, 
Tanze weiter, bleib dabei, 
Ermunt're uns im bunten Liebesakt. 
Ja, du schwebst klar von Blau nach Rot. 
Ja, du bleibst wahr bis der Tod 
Dir sagt: Bis hier... 
Ja, du schwebst klar von Blau nach Rot. 
Ja, du bleibst wahr bis der Tod 
Dir sagt: Bis hier, Regenbogen Blumentier! 
C C C C G G C C F F C C G - C
|C |C |C |C |G |G |C |C |F |F |C |C |G | - |C | |///|///|///|///|///|///|///|///|///|///|///|///|///| - |///|


 11. Widder

Evert Jan Bouman

C Am Dm G
C Am Dm G
Widder, wetze deine Hörner, Widder, zaghaft geht nicht mehr.
C Am Dm G
Geballt, gebückt, kräftig stoßen, Alleine vorwärts ohne Heer.
C Am Dm G
Du, du, du kannst dich nicht verstecken, Die Zeit tickt weiter, fließt und fließt.
C Am Dm G
Kein Zurück mehr, vorwärts, Widder, Das frische Gras sprießt und sprießt.
Merke, Widder, aus der Stille, Wird der Angriff dir gelingen.
F C G - C G
Wider deinen Widderwillen Kann kein Strohmann dich bezwingen.
Auch wenn sie deine Wolle scheren, deinen Schutz dir rauben, deine Saat, 
Sei dir bewusst, du kannst dich wehren, du bist ein Widder, kein Kastrat. 
Die Schlächter, Widder, wollen schlachten, Wollen dich als Osterlamm. 
Widder, wetze deine Hörner, Rüste dich und stehe stramm. 
Merke, Widder, aus der Stille Wird der Angriff dir gelingen. 
Wider deinen Widderwillen Kann kein Strohmann dich bezwingen. 
Fresse, Widder, du brauchst Nahrung, Nein, kein Käfig, keine Stäbe; 
Wiese, Felder, Wald und Lichtung, Sag nicht dass es das nicht gäbe. 
April, April, Osterglocken, Auferstehung, Widder stehe. 
Wenn sie schreien: Leg dich, hocke! Sprich dann stille: Nein, ich gehe. 
Merke, Widder, aus der Stille Wird der Angriff dir gelingen. 
Wider deinen Widderwillen Kann kein Strohmann dich bezwingen. 

Country Rock

 12. Witten, oh Witten

Evert Jan Bouman

Die Zeit macht große Schritte und bleibt für dich nicht stehen.
Dm G
Und einige, oh Witten, die will ich mit dir gehen.
Die Zeit macht große Schritte und macht vor dir nicht Halt;
Dm G
Und trotzdem, oh Witten, bist du immer noch nicht alt.
Du bist frisch, du bist stark und immer noch in Schwung.
Witten, oh Witten; im Herzen ewig jung.
Witten, oh Witten; im Herzen ewig jung.
Einst bauten die Germanen hier eine Siedlung an der Ruhr, 
Sie jagten und sie fischten, ganz Eins mit der Natur. 
Und wo jetzt das Rathaus steht, bauten sie aus gelbem Lehm 
Eine Bleibe für das Oberhaupt, er machte es sich bequem. 
Und aus der Vergangenheit mach ich jetzt einen Sprung 
Nach |: Witten, oh Witten, im Herzen ewig jung. :| 
Du ruhst an der Ruhr, doch schlafen tust du nicht. 
Die Menschen, die hier leben, ja, die sind dein Gesicht. 
Sie lachen und sie tanzen nicht nur am Wochenend', 
Du bist zwar groß, dochg klein genug, so dass man sich noch kennt. 
Wir schaffen immer Neues, nicht nur Erinnerung, 
In |: Witten, oh Witten, im Herzen ewig jung. :| 
Du locktest viele Menschen an mit Kohle und mit Stahl 
Und heut' mit deiner Uni, nicht nur anno dazumal. 
Aus aller Herren Länder, aus jeder Religion. 
Jede Frau ist wie Deine Tochter, jeder Mann ist wie Dein Sohn. 
Für Fremdenhass gibt's keinen Platz, keine Entschuldigung, 
In |: Witten, oh Witten, im Herzen ewig jung. :| 
Wir schaffen fröhlich weiter, du Perle an der Ruhr. 
Mal ernst und manchmal heiter, so wie das Leben pur. 
Eine Heimat für die Kinder, für die Alten jetzt und hier, 
So dass sie würdig leben, eine Heimat im revier. 
Der eine macht 'nen kleinen Schritt, der and're einen Sprung, 
In |: Witten, oh Witten, im Herzen ewig jung. :| 
Ich war in London und Paris und in Jerusalem, 
Ich war in Kopenhagen, ich war in Amsterdam. 
Ich zog durch die Dörfer, eine Heimat fand ich nicht, 
Außer in Dir, Witten, weil du meine Sprache sprichst. 
Von Holland oder Dortmund ist es ein Katzensprung 
Nach |: Witten, oh Witten, im Herzen ewig jung. :| 

 13. On a Beautiful Day

Evert Jan Bouman

D C G A D Em

 14. Ein Marmeladenbrot

Evert Jan Bouman

Akkordeon & Gesang
Am G
Ein Marmeladenbrot begrüßt mich in den neuen Tag,
F G Am
Der alte, kaum verdaut, gleitet jetzt ab.
Am G
Ich schau' aus meinem Fenster, was auch immer kommen mag:
F G Am
Ich bin bereit, doch komme nicht in Trab.
Dm Am
Autos sind unterwegs, ich mein' von Hü nach Hott.
Dm Am E7
Sie brummen ihren Dreck in mein Revier,
Dm Am
Sie mahnen mich: Sei wachsam, sonst verschlingt dich noch der Trott.
F E Am
Geh deinen Weg oder bleibe einfach hier.
C G G7
Das kann doch so nicht weitergehen! Sagt mir dann mein Verstand.
Du hast doch alles, was ein Mensch so braucht,
C G G7
Schreite heiter weiter, nimm dein Leben in die Hand;
Genug bist du gerädert und geschlaucht.
C G G7
Genug geklagt, genug gestöhnt, genug nun lamentiert.
Genug rotiert um immer einen Punkt.
C G G7
Genug hast du dein Schicksal mit Mühsal kommentiert,
F G C C/B Am
Genug vom Grau, werde endlich wieder bunt.
Ein Schritt, ein Tritt, der Schweinehund schnarcht lässig vor sich hin. 
Vollgefressen, ohne Lust und Last; 
Ich rüttle mich und schüttle mich, suche wieder nach dem Sinn 
Und säge unbewusst an meinem Ast. 
Vom halb zersägten Ast schau ich, ohne was zu sehen, 
Mich um in der Welt die mich umringt. 
Alles spricht, ich hör' es nicht, kann wieder nichts verstehen. 
Blind und taub für was der Tag mir bringt. 
Das kann doch so nicht weitergehen... 
Ich lass' mich 'runterfallen und gehe dann gebückt 
Mein' Stolpergang durch den Schlamm und den Dreck. 
Und was auch immer mir zulacht, es gibt nichts was mich entzückt. 
Ich zieh' mich nur zurück in mein Versteck. 
Die Vöglein sind am zwitschern, der Schmetterling, der tanzt, 
Ich spüre nur den Schmerz in meiner Brust 
Und wenn die Sonne strahlt, es gibt für mich keinen Glanz 
Ich lab' mich nur an meinem Frust. 
Das kann doch so nicht weitergehen!...endlich wieder bunt. 
Genug geklagt... 
F G 3/4 F G A E F C
Genug vom Grau, werde endlich wieder (kinderkarussell) bunt.

 15. My Brother (He's a Spiderman Fan)

Evert Jan Bouman (2016)

E A F#m G#m A B7
My brother ain't a donkey, - He's a lion in the dark.
My brother ain't a monkey - He's a giant white shark.
A F#m G#m
He's a Spiderman fan, - He's a Spiderman fan.
A B7
From mamma's baby boy child - To daddy's old wise man.
A crocodile for breakfast, - A lady in the night. 
White snow in the summer, - The hell of a friend at my side. 
He's a Spiderman fan, - He's a Spiderman fan. 
From mamma's baby boy child - To daddy's old wise man. 
He french fries a blue whale - With the tail of a rattlesnake. 
His heart is made to heal, - So he never takes a break. 
He's a Spiderman fan, - He's a Spiderman fan. 
From mamma's baby boy child - To daddy's old wise man. 
My brother first saw the light - In nineteen-fifty-eight. 
He's the father of two children - And his love is never late. 
He's a Spiderman fan, - He's a Spiderman fan. 
And with a lady in his heart - He becomes a schoolboy once again. 
(He's a Spiderman fan and the hell of a friend)

 16. Wovon Ich singe

Evert Jan Bouman

Und jetzt mein letztes sauberes Hemd - Und wie immer mit leeren Taschen.
E7 A
Im Spiegel bin ich mir selber fremd - Und stolper' über die leeren Flaschen.
A7 D / / / | Dm / / / / |
Familienfotos im Schub im Schrank - Und zwischendrin ein goldener Ring.
A Bm E A
Ich weiß nicht, wie es kommt, - Dass ich trotz alledem noch singe.
Auf dem Bild was hier schief hängt - Spielen die Kinder mit Katze und Hund. 
Ich habe den Schmerz ganz weit verdrängt, - Die Seele ist noch viel zu wund. 
Fragen die Kinder noch nach mir - Wenn ich keine teuren Geschenke bringe? 
Ich weiß nicht, wie es kommt, - Dass ich trotz alledem noch singe. 
Für mich war Leben ein Farbenspiel, - Nach vorne streben, doch ohne Ziel.
Rutscht man herunter, klettert man hinauf, - Man nimmt sein Schicksal nicht nur in Kauf.
|: Bm E A :|
Es ist mir nicht gleich, So sind die Dinge wovon ich singe.
Auf der Fensterscheibe schreibe ich im Dreck - In Spiegelschrift, dass ich euch liebe. 
Doch meine Lieben sind alle weg, - Nur der Sand knirscht im Getriebe. 
Jedoch, die Amsel singt ihr Lied. - Sie weiß, dass ich dann weiter ringe 
Vielleicht weiß sie, wie es kommt, - Dass ich trotz alledem noch singe. 
Die Freunde sagen: Augen zu! - Gehe durch die letzte Wand, 
Schau nicht zurück, bewahre die Ruh'. - Das Glück ist immer ohne Pfand, 
Ich balanciere auf dem Seil - Und manchmal auf des Messers Klinge. 
Doch ich bin froh, dass es so ist, - Dass ich trotz alledem noch singe. 
Für mich war Leben ein Farbenspiel, - Nach vorne streben, doch ohne Ziel. 
Rutscht man herunter, klettert man hinauf, - Man nimmt sein Schicksal nicht nur in Kauf. 
Es ist mir nicht gleich, - So sind die Dinge wovon ich singe. 

 17. Grüße an Lydie

Musik: Michael Machnik, Text: Evert Jan Boumann

"Laissez faire - mon Ami" 
Schick meine Grüße an Lydie, so was schönes sah ich nie. 
Sie spielte auf zum Tanz - am Strand der Normandie. 
Die blonden Locken in der Sonn', an ihrem Bauch Akkordeon. 
Die Möwen tanzten Tango - im Takt von ihrem Chanson. 
Ohne zu Rasten - auf den Perlmutttasten 
Gleiten die Finger wie die Wellen - auf und ab. 
Oh, die Wunderschöne - verschenkte ihre Töne 
Sodass mein Herz - sich ihrer Kunst ergab. 
Ich konnte mich erheben, so wie die Möwen schweben. 
Muscheln kitzelten meine Füße - im warmen Sand. 
Später auf der Bühne - brachte dann die Kühne 
Manch alten Mann - wie mich um den Verstand. 
"Mais Oui" 
Schick meine Grüße an Lydie - die Königin der Melodie. 
Sie spielte auf zum Tanz - am Strand der Normandie. 
Die blonden Locken in der Sonn', an ihrem Bauch Akkordeon. 
Die Möwen tanzten Tango - im Takt von ihrem Chanson. 
Schick meine Grüße an Lydie! 
"A votre santé, Madame" 

 18. Die Amsel

Text: Evert Jan Bouman, Musik: Michael Machnik

Bm Bm9 F#m G
Heute Morgen sang die Amsel ihren Psa-alm,
Em E7 Am C#7 F#m D
Worte brauchte sie wie immer nicht.
Bm Bm9 F#m G
Mein Herz das wuchs und wurde federleicht und warm
Em E7 Am C#7 F#m D
Und ich sah die Welt aus ihrer Sicht.
C C7 Bb F7
Oben bleibt oben und unten bleibt bei mir,
Cm Fm Bb7 Cm
Ein Nebelschleier umhüllte meine Brust.
Eb Fm
Ich tauchte ein in ihrem Luft- und Licht-Revier
Ab B Bb
Und erkannte was ich immer schon gewusst.
Ebm Ab Db Db7 Gb
Mein Kopf war frei mit wonnig warmen Füßen,
B B7 F Bbm Bb7
In meiner Mitte ruhte mild der Sinn.
Ebm Ab Db Db7 Gb
Sie bestellte mi-ir König Davids Grüße,
B B7 F G G7
Diese Grüße wurden mir zum Hauptgewinn.
Bm Bm9 F#m G
Ein letzter Ton und sie spreizte ihre Flügel,
Em E7 Am C#7 F#m D
Meine Augen folgten ihrem Flug.
Bm Bm9 F#m G
Sie verschwand hinter den immergrünen Hügeln,
Em E7 Am C#7 F#m F#7
Sie meinte wohl, das war für heut' genug.
C C7
Ich dachte noch, dieser schwarze Minnesänger,
Bb F7
Sein rotes Herz pulsiert in jedem Ton.
Cm Fm
Kommt er wieder und bleibt er dann auch länger?
Bb7 Cm G
Eins ist gewiss, er weiß jetzt, wo ich wohn.
Cm Fm
Kommt er wieder und bleibt er dann auch länger?
Bb7 Cm
Eins ist gewiss, er weiß jetzt, wo ich wohn.

Michael Flöte

 19. Mit Dir finde ich zu mir

Evert Jan Bouman

Du nimmst mich mit zum Nordseestrand, Der Kopf wird frei durch den Wind.
Wir turteltauben Hand in Hand, Wir werden endlich was wir sind.
Vorne sinkt die Abendsonne In einem Meer aus rotem Licht.
Das Herz, das wiegt sich in der Wonne, Ein güldener Glanz auf deinem Gesicht.
Mit Dir finde ich zu mir, Wo die Liebe wächst sind wir.
A D A D Em D
Da sind wir, da sind wir, da sind wir.
Das Leben drängt in ganzer Fülle, Ja, jeder Rahmen wird gesprengt. 
Und seelisch nackt, ganz ohne Hülle, Hat so die Liebe sich geschenkt. 
Die Nacht ist als ob van Gogh Die Sterne malt mit lauter Licht. 
Und was gestern noch ein Loch Das füllt sich heute mit Gewicht. 
Mit Dir finde ich zu mir, Wo die Liebe wächst sind wir. 
Da sind wir, da sind wir, da sind wir. 
Vorne die Ewigkeit im Meer, Hinten Europa, in uns vereint. 
Das scheinbar Kleinste freut uns sehr, Das Ungereimte wird gereimt. 
Das Meer, das schluckt was uns beschwert; Es löst sich auf in dieser Nacht. 
In diesem Glück, so reich beschert, Zeigt jetzt die Liebe ihre Macht. 
Mit Dir finde ich zu mir, Wo die Liebe wächst sind wir. 
Da sind wir, da sind wir, da sind wir. 
Du nimmst mich mit zum Nordseestrand, Der Kopf wird frei durch den Wind. 
Wir turteltauben Hand in Hand, Wir werden endlich was wir sind. 
Mit Dir finde ich zu mir, Wo die Liebe wächst sind wir. 
Da sind wir, da sind wir, da sind wir. 

________ Songbirds on the Wire: Leonard Cohen _________

 20. Ouvertüre

drums & bass; Michael/Jürgen / Christiane Hintergrundgesang

 21. You Want it Darker

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: You Want it Darker (2016)

Em G Am
If you are the dealer, I'm out of the game.
G Am
If you are the healer, it means I'm broken and lame.
If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame.
G Am Em G Am
You want it darker, We kill the flame.
Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name.
G Am
Vilified, crucified, in the human frame.
A million candles burning for the help that never came - You want it darker.
G Am C G D Em G Am
(Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh) Hineni, hineni - I'm ready, my lord
There's a lover in the story, But the story's still the same. 
There's a lullaby for suffering - And a paradox to blame. 
But it's written in the scriptures, And it's not some idle claim. 
You want it darker - We kill the flame. 
They're lining up the prisoners - And the guards are taking aim. 
I struggled with some demons, They were middle class and tame. 
I didn't know I had permission to murder and to maim - You want it darker. 
(Ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh) - Hineni, hineni - I'm ready, my lord 
Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name. 
Vilified, crucified, in the human frame. 
A million candles burning for the love that never came. 
You want it darker - We kill the flame. 
If you are the dealer, let me out of the game. 
If you are the healer, I'm broken and lame. 
If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame. 
You want it darker 
(Ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh) - Hineni, hineni 
(Ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh) - Hineni, hineni - I'm ready, my lord 
(Ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh) - Hi-ne-ni - (Ooh-Ooh-Ooh-Ooh) - Hi-ne-ni 

 22. Suzanne

Leonard Cohen

Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river,
You can hear the boat go by, and you spend the night beside her.
And you know that she's half crazy, but that's why you want to be there
G#m A
And she feeds you tea and oranges that come all the way from China.
E F#m
And when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her.
Then she gets you on her wave-length
F#m E
And she lets the river answer that you’ve always been her lover.
G#m A
And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind,
E F#m
And you know she will trust you for you’ve touched her perfect body
With your mind.
And Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water. 
And he spend a long time watching from his lonely wooden tower. 
And when he knew for certain only drowning men could see him 
He said: "All men will be sailors then until the sea shall free them". 
But he himself was broken long bevor the sky war open 
Forsaken, almost human, 
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone. 
And you want to travel with him, and you want to travel blind 
And you think maybe you'll trust him for he's touched you perfect body 
With his mind. 
Now Suzanne takes your hand and she leads you to the river 
She is wearing rags and feathers from Salvation Army counters. 
And the sun pours down like honey for our lady of the harbour, 
and she shows you where to look among the garbage and the flowers. 
There are heros in the seaweed, there are children in the morning 
They are leaning out for love 
And they will lean that way forever, while Suzanne holds the mirror. 
And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, 
And you know that you can trust her for she's touched your perfect body 
With her mind. 

 23. Lover Lover Lover

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: New Skin for the Old Ceremony (1974)

Bm Em Bm
I asked my father, I said, "Father change my name."
Em Bm
The one I'm using now it's covered up with fear and filth and cowardice and shame.
Yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me,
yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me.
D Em Bm
He said, "I locked you in this body,I meant it as a kind of trial.
Em Bm
You can use it for a weapon, or to make some woman smile."
Yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me,
yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me.
D Em Bm
"Then let me start again," I cried, "Please let me start again.
Em Bm
I want a face that's fair this time, I want a spirit that is calm."
Yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me,
yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me.
|: Am Em :| |: C G :|
D Em Bm
"I never never turned aside," he said, "I never walked away.
Em Bm
It was you who built the temple, it was you who covered up my face."
Yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me,
yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me.
D Em Bm
And may the spirit of this song, may it rise up pure and free.
Em Bm
May it be a shield for you, a shield against the enemy.
Yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me,
yes and lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover come back to me.

Harp G

 24. So Long, Marianne

Leonard Cohen / Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967)

G Am C G
Come over to the window, my little darling, I'd like to try to read your palm.
F C Em D Dsus4 D
I used to think I was some kind of Gypsy boy, Before I let you take me home.
D7 G Em
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to
D Dsus4 D D7 D Dsus4 D D7 G Gsus4 G Gsus4 G
Laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again.
Well you know that I love to live with you, but you make me forget so very much. 
I forget to pray for the angels and then the angels forget to pray for us. 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
Laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
We met when we were almost young, deep in the green lilac park. 
You held on to me like I was a crucifix, as we went kneeling through the dark. 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
Laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
solo Harp
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
Your letters they all say that you're beside me now, Then, why do I feel alone? 
I'm standing on a ledge and your fine spider web is fastening my ankle to a stone. 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
Laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
For now I need your hidden love, I'm cold as a new razor blade. 
You left when I told you I was curious, I never said that I was brave. 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
Laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
Oh, you are really such a pretty one; I see you've gone and changed your name again. 
And just when I climbed this whole mountainside, to wash my eyelids in the rain! 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
Laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 
Oh your eyes, well I forgot Your eyes; Your body's at home in every sea. 
How come you gave away your news to everyone, that you said was a secret for me. 
So long, Marianne, it's time that we began to 
laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again. 

 25. Joan of Arc

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: Songs of Love and Hate (1971)

Now the flames they followed Joan of Arc
As she came riding through the dark.
No moon to keep her armour bright,
No man to get her through this (dark and) very smoky night.
She said, "I'm tired of the war. 
I want the kind of work I had before, 
A wedding dress or something white 
To wear upon my swollen appetite." 
D/A D Am
La la la, la la la, la la la la la la,
La la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la.
Well, I'm glad to hear you talk this way, 
You know I've watched you riding every day. 
And something in me yearns to win 
Such a cold and lonesome heroine. 
"And who are you?" she sternly spoke 
To the one beneath the smoke. 
"Why, I'm fire," he replied 
"And I love your solitude, I love your pride." - La la la... 
"Then fire, make your body cold 
I'm going to give you mine to hold," 
Saying this she climbed inside 
To be his one, to be his only bride. 
And deep into his fiery heart 
He took the dust of Joan of Arc. 
And high above the wedding guests 
He hung the ashes of her wedding dress. - La la la... 
It was deep into his fiery heart 
He took the dust of Joan of Arc. 
And then she clearly understood: 
If he was fire, oh then she must be wood. 
I saw her wince, I saw her cry, 
I saw the glory in her eye. 
Myself I long for love and light, 
But must it come so cruel, and oh so bright? - La la la... 

 26. Tonight Will be Fine

Leonard Cohen : Songs from a Room (1969)

standard Gesang: Johnny
Sometimes I find I get to thinking of the past.
We swore to each other then that our love would surely last.
You kept right on loving, I went on a fast,
Now I am too thin and your love is too vast.
But I know from your eyes, And I know from your smile:
That tonight will be fine, will be fine, will be fine,
E E7 A
Will be fine for a while.
Blues/Soul Gesang Christiane
I choose the rooms that I live in with care.
The windows are small and the walls almost bare.
E7 G D7 A
There's only one bed and there's only - only one prayer.
C E7
I listen all night for your step on the stair.
D7 A7 D7 A7
But I know from your eyes, And I know from your smile:
D7 A7
That tonight will be fine, will be fine, will be fine,
E E7 A
Will be fine for a while.
standard Gesang: Johnny
Oh sometimes I see her undressing for me.
She's the soft naked lady love meant her to be.
And she's moving her body so brave and so free.
If I've got to remember that's a fine memory.
But I know from your eyes, And I know from your smile:
That tonight will be fine, will be fine, will be fine,
E E7 A
Will be fine for a while.
La la la... 

Jürgen: Gitarre

 27. The Guests

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: Recent Songs (1979)

Em D C D
One by one, the guests arrive, the guests are coming through.
Em D C E
The open-hearted many, the broken-hearted few.
And no one knows where the night is going
And no one knows why the wine is flowing
Oh love I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you
E7 A
now - - I need you now.
And those who dance, begin to dance, those who weep begin 
And "welcome, welcome" cries a voice "let all my guests come in." 
And no one knows where the night is going 
And no one knows why the wine is flowing 
Oh love I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you 
now - - I need you now. 
And all go stumbling through that house, in lonely secrecy 
Saying "do reveal yourself", or "why has thou forsaken me? " 
And no one knows... 
All at once, the torches flare, the inner door flies open 
One by one, they enter there, in every style of passion 
And no one knows... 
And here they take their sweet repast, while house and grounds dissolve 
And one by one the guests are cast, beyond the garden wall 
And no one knows... 
And those who dance, begin to dance, those who weep begin 
Those who earnestly are lost, are lost and lost again 
And no one knows... 
One by one, the guests arrive, the guests are coming through 
The open-hearted many, the broken-hearted few 
And no one knows... 

 28. Dance Me To The End Of Love

Leonard Cohen

|: Cm Gm :| |: D7/A Gm :|
Cm Gm
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Cm Gm
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Cm Gm
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
|: D7/A Gm :| Cm Gm D7/A Gm
|: Dance me to the end of love :|
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone 
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon 
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of 
Dance me to the end of love, Dance me to the end of love. 
Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on 
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long 
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above 
Dance me to the end of love, Dance me to the end of love. 
Dance me to the children who are asking to be born 
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn 
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn 
Dance me to the end of love 
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin 
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in 
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove 
|: D7/A Gm :| 3x
|:Dance me to the end of love. :|

 29. I'm Your Man

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man (1988)

| Em | | Bm | | A | F#m | Bm |
| / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |
Bm Em Bm
If you want a lover, I'll do anything you ask me to,
Em D
And if you want another kind of love, I'll wear a mask for you.
If you want a partner, take my hand,
Or if you want to strike me down in anger,
Here I stand: I'm your man!
If you want a boxer, I will step into the ring for you, 
And if you want a doctor, I'll examine every inch of you. 
If you want a driver, climb inside, 
Or if you want to take me for a ride, 
You know you can: I'm your man! 
Ah, the moon's too bright, the chain's too tight,
The beast won't go to sleep.
I've been running through these promises to you
That I made and I could not keep.
F#m Bm
Ah, but a man never got a woman back, not by begging on his knees;
Or I'd crawl to you baby, And I'd fall at your feet,
And I'd howl at your beauty like a dog in heat,
G G#
And I'd claw at your heart, And I'd tear at your sheet;
A Bm
I'd say please: (please) I'm your man!
And if you've got to sleep a moment on the road, I will steer for you. 
And if you want to work the street alone, I'll disappear for you. 
If you want a father for your child, 
Or only want to walk with me a while 
Across the sand: I'm your man! 
If you want a lover, I'll do anything you ask me to, 
And if you want another kind of love, I'll wear a mask for you... 

 30. First we Take Manhattan

Leonard Cohen

Dm Am
They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom,
Dm Am
For trying to change the system from within.
Dm Am
I'm coming now I'm coming to reward them:
G F E Am
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
I'm guided by a signal in the heavens. I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin. 
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons: First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. 
I'd really like to live beside you, baby.
C Am
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes,
C Am
But you see that line there moving through the station.
G F E Am
I told you - I told you - I told you I was one of those.
You loved me as a loser but now you're worried that I just might win. 
You know the way to stop me but you don't have the discipline. 
How many nights I prayed for this: to let my work begin: 
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. 
I don't like your fashion business, mister. I don't like these drugs that keep you thin. 
I don't like what happened to your sister: First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. 
I'd really like to live beside you, baby. 
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes. 
But you see that line there moving through the station: 
I told you - I told you - I told you I was one of those. 
And I thank you for those items that you sent me. The monkey and the plywood violin. 
I practiced every night and now I'm ready: First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. 
Remember me, I used to live for music. Remember me, I brought your groceries in. 
It's Father's Day and everybody's wounded: First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. 

 31. The Future

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: The Future (1992)

Give me back my broken night, my mirrored room, my secret life,
G6 E7 Am
It's lonely here, there's no one left to torture.
Give me absolute control over every living soul
G6 Am
And lie beside me, baby, that's an order!
Give me crack and anal sex, take the only tree that's left,
G6 E7 Am
stuff it up the hole in your culture.
Give me back the Berlin Wall, give me Stalin and St. Paul.
G6 E7 Am
I've seen the future, brother: it is murder.
Dm C
Things are gonna slide, (slide) in all directions,
Dm C
Won't be nothing (won't be) nothing you can't measure anymore.
Dm F
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold
Fm C
and it's overturned the order of the soul.
|: G
|: When they said (they said) Repent (repent) Repent (repent)
Am :|
I wonder what they meant. :| (3x)
You don't know me from the wind, you never will, you never did, 
I'm the little jew who wrote the bible. 
I've seen the nations rise and fall, I've heard their stories, heard them all, 
But love's the only engine of survival. 
Your servant here, he has been told to say it clear, to say it cold: 
It's over, it ain't going any further. 
And now the wheels of heaven stop, you feel the devil's riding crop, 
Get ready for the future: it is murder. 
Things are gonna slide, (slide) in all directions. 
Won't be nothing, (won't be) nothing you can measure anymore. 
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold 
And it's overturned the order of the soul. 
|: When they said (=) repent (=), repent (=) - I wonder what they meant. :| (3x) 
Am Dm
There'll be the breaking of the ancient western code, Your private life will suddenly explode.
Am F7 E
There'll be phantoms, there'll be fires on the road, And the white man dancing.
Am Dm
You'll see your woman hanging upside down, her features covered by her fallen gown.
Am F7 E
and all the lousy little poets coming around trying to sound like Charlie Manson
And the white man dancing.
(riff jumping jack flash)
Give me back the Berlin Wall, give me Stalin and St. Paul, 
Give me Christ, or give me Hiroshima! 
Destroy another fetus now, we don't like children anyhow, 
I've seen the future, baby: it is murder. 
Things are gonna slide, (slide) in all directions. 
Won't be nothing, (won't be) nothing you can measure anymore. 
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold 
And it's overturned the order of the soul. 
|: When they said (=) repent (=), repent (=) - I wonder what they meant. :| (3x) 


 32. Who by Fire

Leonard Cohen

Am G Am Am G Am
And who by fire, who by water.
C G7 C C G7 C
Who in the sunshine, who in the nighttime.
Am G Am Am G Am
Who by high ordeal, who by common trial,
C G7 C
Who in your merry, merry month of May,
C G7 C Am Fmaj7 E
Who by various slow decay and who shall I say is callling.
And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate, 
who in these realms of love, who by something blunt, 
who by avalanche, who by powder, 
who for his greed, who for his hunger, 
and who shall I say is calling? 
And who by brave assent, who by accident, 
who in solitude, who in this mirror, 
who by his lady's command, who by his own hand, 
who in mortal chains, who in power, 
and who shall I say is calling? 

Harp A

 33. Bird on the Wire

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: Sogs from a Room (1969)

Like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir,
A E A Asus4 A
I have tried in my way to be free.
Like a worm on a hook, like a knight from some old-fashioned book,
A E A Asus4 A
I have saved all my ribbons for thee.
If I, if I have been unkind,
Bm A
I hope that you can just let it go by.
If I, if I have been untrue,
Bm E
I hope you know it was never to you.
Like a baby stillborn, like a beast with his horn,
A E A Asus4 A
I have torn everyone who reached out for me.
But I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrong!
A E A Asus4 A
I will make it all up to thee.
I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch.
Bm A
He said to me, "You must not ask for so much."
And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,
Bm E
She cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"
Like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir,
I have tried in my way to be free

 34. Everybody Knows

Leonard Cohen, Sharon Robinson / Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man (1988)

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Dm E
Everybody knows the fight was fixed:
G Am
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich.
Bb E Am
That's how it goes. Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking, 
Everybody knows that the captain lied. 
Everybody got this broken feeling 
Like their father or their dog just died. 
Everybody talking to their pockets, 
Everybody wants a box of chocolates 
And a long-stem rose - Everybody knows. 
Everybody knows that you love me baby, 
Everybody knows that you really do. 
Everybody knows that you've been faithful, 
Ah, give or take a night or two. 
Everybody knows you've been discreet 
But there were so many people you just had to meet 
Without your clothes - And everybody knows. 
Everybody knows, everybody knows.
Am G C
That's how it goes - Everybody knows.
Everybody knows, everybody knows.
Am G C
That's how it goes - Everybody knows.
And everybody knows that it's now or never, 
Everybody knows that it's me or you. 
And everybody knows that you live forever, 
Ah, when you've done a line or two. 
Everybody knows the deal is rotten, 
Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton - 
For your ribbons and bows - And everybody knows. 
And everybody knows that the Plague is coming, 
Everybody knows that it's moving fast. 
Everybody knows that the naked man and woman 
Are just a shining artifact of the past. 
Everybody knows the scene is dead 
But there's gonna be a meter on your bed - 
That will disclose - What everybody knows. 
And everybody knows that you're in trouble; 
Everybody knows what you've been through - 
From the bloody cross on top of Calvary 
To the beach of Malibu. 
Everybody knows it's coming apart, 
Take one last look at this Sacred Heart - 
Before it blows - And everybody knows. 
Everybody knows, everybody knows. 
That's how it goes - Everybody knows. 
Everybody knows, everybody knows. 
That's how it goes - Everybody knows. 
Everybody knows, everybody knows. 
That's how it goes - Everybody knows. 
Everybody knows... 

 35. There is a War

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: New Skin for the Old Ceremony (1974)

There is a war between the rich and poor a
War be-tween the man and the woman.
There is a war be-tween the ones who say there is a
war and the ones who say there isn't.
Why don't you come on back to the war, that's right, get in it,
Why don't you come on back to the war, it's just beginning.
Well I live here with a woman and a child, 
The situation makes me kind of nervous. 
Yes, I rise up from her arms, she says "I guess you call this love"; 
I call it service. Why don't you come on back to the war, don't be a tourist, 
why don't you come on back to the war, before it hurts us, 
Why don't you come on back to the war, let's all get nervous. 
You cannot stand what I've become, 
You much prefer the gentleman I was before. 
I was so easy to defeat, I was so easy to control, 
I didn't even know there was a war. 
Why don't you come on back to the war, don't be embarrassed, 
Why don't you come on back to the war, you can still get married. 
There is a war between the rich and poor, 
A war between the man and the woman. 
There is a war between the left and right, 
A war between the black and white, 
A war between the odd and the even. 
Why don't you come on back to the war, pick up your tiny burden, 
Why don't you come on back to the war, let's all get even, 
Why don't you come on back to the war, can't you hear me speaking? 

 36. Tower of Song

Leonard Cohen/Leonard Cohen: I'm your Man (1988)

Well my friends are gone and my hair is grey,
I ache in the places where I used to play, 
And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on.
I'm just paying my rent every day - In the Tower of Song.
I said to Hank Williams: How lonely does it get? 
Hank Williams hasn't answered yet. 
But I hear him coughing all night long. 
A hundred floors above me - In the Tower of Song. 
I was born like this, I had no choice. 
I was born with the gift of a golden voice, 
And twenty-seven angels from the Great beyond, 
They tied me to this table right here - In the Tower of Song. 
So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll. 
I'm very sorry, baby, doesn't look like me at all. 
I'm standing by the window where the light is strong. 
They don't let a woman kill you, not - In the Tower of Song. 
Now you can say that I've grown bitter, but of this you may be sure: 
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor, 
And there's a mighty judgement coming. But I may be wrong: 
You see, you hear these funny voices - In the Tower of Song. 
Em D
I see you standing on the other side.
Em D
I don't know how the river got so wide.
I loved you, baby, way back when,
Em D
And all the bridges are burning that we might have crossed.
Em D
But I feel so close to everything that we lost,
We'll never have to lose it again.
I bid you farewell, I don't know when I'll be back. 
They're moving us tomorrow to that tower down the track. 
But You'll be hearing from me, baby, Long after I'm gone. 
I'll be speaking to you sweetly from a window - In the Tower of Song. 

 37. Hallelujah

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: Various Positions (1984)

C Am C Am
C Am
Well, I heard there was a secret chord
C Am
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do ya?
Well, it goes like this: the fourth, the fifth,
Am F
The minor fall and the major lift,
G E Am
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
F Am F C G C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well, your faith was strong, but you needed proof, 
You saw her bathing on the roof 
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya 
And she tied you to her kitchen chair, 
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair, 
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah 
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah 
You say, "I took the Name in vain, 
I dont even know the Name". 
But if I did, well really, what's it to you? 
There's a blaze of light in every word 
It doesnt matter which you heard 
The holy or the broken Hallelujah 
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah 
I did my best, but it wasn't much. 
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch. 
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you. 
And even though it all went wrong, 
I'll stand before the Lord of song, 
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah. 
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah... 
X:1 T:Saxofon Solo M:3/4 L:1/4 K:C %%barnumbers 0 C3-|C2 G,|C3-|C2 G,|C3-|C2 G,|C3-|C2 B,|C3-|C3|D3-|D3| E3-|E3|D3-|D3|C3-|C3|C3|B,3|C3-|C2 B,|A,3-|A,3| B,3-|B,3|B,3-|B,3|A,3-|A,3-|A,2 z|z3||A,3-|A,3|A,3-|A,3|A,3-|A,3| A,3-|A,3|A,3-|A,3|A,3-|A,3|C3-|C3|B,3-|B,3|C3-|C3|

 38. Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967)

I love you in the morning our kisses deep and warm,
Your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm.
Yes, many loved before us I know that we are not new,
In city and in forest they smiled like me and you.
But now it's come to distances and both of us must try
Your eyes are soft with sorrow
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye-ye
I'm not looking for another 
As I wander in my time 
Walk me to the corner 
Our steps will always rhyme 
You know my love goes with you 
As your love stays with me 
It's just the way it changes 
Like the shoreline and the sea 
But let's not talk of love or chains 
And things we can't untie 
Your eyes are soft with sorrow 
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye 
I loved you in the morning 
Our kisses deep and warm 
Your hair upon the pillow 
Like a sleepy golden storm 
Yes, many loved before us 
I know that we are not new 
In city and in forest 
They smiled like me and you 
But let's not talk of love or chains 
And things we can't untie 
Your eyes are soft with sorrow 
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye. 

 39. The Partisan (La Complainte du Partisan)

Bernard, Anna Marly, Hy Saret (engl. Text) /Leonard Cohen: Songs from a room (1969)

Em G D Em G D Em
When they poured across the border I was cautioned to surrender,
G D C G B7 Em
This I could not do. I took my gun and vanished.
I have changed my name so often, I've lost my wife and children, 
But I have many friends. And some of them are with me. 
An old woman gave us shelter, Kept us hidden in the garret. 
Then the soldiers came: She died without a whisper. 
There were three of us this morning, I'm the only one this evening. 
But I must go on, the frontiers are my prison. 
Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing Through the graves, the wind is blowing. 
Freedom soon will come, Then we'll come from the shadows. 
Les Allemands étaient chez moi. Ils me dirent: resigne-toi. 
Mais je n'ai pas pu, J'ai repris mon arme. 
J'ai changé cent fois de nom. J'ai perdu femme et enfants. 
Mais j'ai tant d'amis, J'ai la France entière. 
Un vieil homme dans un grenier Pour la nuit nous a cachés. 
Les Allemands l'ont pris, Il est mort sans surprise. 
Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing Through the graves, the wind is blowing. 
Freedom soon will come, Then we'll come from the shadows. 

 40. Closing Time

Leonard Cohen / Leonard Cohen: The Future (1992)

G5 D5 G
Ah, we're drinking and we're dancing and the band is really happ'nin',
and the Johnny Walker wisdom running high,
And my very sweet companion, she's the angel of compassion,
She's rubbin' half the world against her thigh.
And eve'y drinker, every dancer lifts a happy face to thank her,
G B Em
The fiddler fiddles somethin' so sublime.
All the women tear their blouses off, the men, they dance on the polka dots,
And it's partner found, it's partner lost, and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops:
It's closin' time.
Yeah the women tear their blouses off, and the men, they dance on the polka dots,
G B Em C
And it's partner found, and it's partner lost, and it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops:
C5 G5 D5
It's closin' time.
Ah, We're lonely, we're romantic, and the cider's laced with acid,
And the Holy Spirit's crying, "Where's the beef?"
And the moon is swimming naked, and the summer night is fragrant
With a mighty expectation of relief.
So we struggle and we stagger down the snakes and up the ladder
G B Em
To the tower where the blessed hours chime.
And I swear it happened just like this: A sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss;
The Gates of Love they budged an inch. I can't say much has happened since
but closing time. (|: closing time. :|)
I swear it happened just like this: A sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss;
G B Em C
The Gates of Love they budged an inch. I can't say much has happened since
C5 G5 D5
(|: can't say much has happened since :|) but closin' time. closin' time.
I loved you for your beauty but that doesn't make a fool of me;
You were in it for your beauty, too.
And I loved you for your body, there's a voice that sounds like God to me,
Declaring (declaring) declaring (declaring)
Declaring that you're body's really you. (really really really really)
And I loved you when our love was blessed, and I love you now there's nothin' left
G B Em
But sorrow and a sense of overtime.
And I missed you since the place got wrecked, and I just don't care what happens next.
Looks like freedom but it feels like death. it's something in between, I guess,
It's closing time.
Yeah, I missed you since the place got wrecked by the winds of change and the weeds of sex,
G B Em C
And it looks like freedom but it feels like death, it's something in between, I guess.
G5 D5
It's closing time.
Yeah, we're drinking and we're dancing, but there's nothing really happening,
And the place is dead as Heaven on a Saturday night;
And my very close companion gets me fumblin', gets me laughin',
She's a hundred but she's wearin' somethin' tight.
And I lift my glass to the Awful Truth which you can't reveal to the ears of youth,
G B Em
Except to say it isn't worth a dime.
And the whole damn place goes crazy twice, And it's once for the Devil and it's once for Christ,
But the Boss don't like these dizzy heights, we're busted in the blindin' lights
Of Closin' Time. (Closing Time...)
The whole damn place goes crazy twice, And it's once for the Devil and it's once for Christ,
G B Em C
But the Boss don't like these dizzy heights, we're busted in the blindin' lights
C5 G5 D5
(|: busted in the blindin' lights :|) Of Closin' Time. Closing Time.
Oh, the women tear their blouses off, and the men, they dance on the polka dots, it's closin' time.
And it's partner found, and it's partner lost, And it's hell to pay when the fiddler stops: it's closing time. 
I swear it happened just like this: A sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss, it's closing time. 
The gates of love, they budged an inch; I can't say much has happened since but closing time. 
I loved you when our love was blessed, I love you now, there's nothing left but closing time. 
And I missed you since our place got wrecked by the winds of change and the weeds of sex, it's closing time. 

_________________ Klassiker _________________

 41. Sunny Afternoon

R. D. Davies / the Kinks: Face to Face (1966)

|: Dm A :|
Dm C7
The taxman's taken all my dough,
F C7
And left me in my stately home;
A Dm
Lazin' on a sunny afternoon.
Dm C7
And I can't sail my yacht,
F C7
He's taken everything I've got;
A Dm
All I've got's this sunny afternoon.
D7 G7
Save me, save me, save me from this greed,
C7 F A7
I got a big fat mama tryin' to break me.
Dm G7
And I love to live so pleasantly,
Dm G7 C7
Live this life of luxury;
F A7 Dm
Lazin' on a sunny afternoon -
In the summertime.
My girlfriend's run off with my car, 
And gone back to her ma and pa; 
Tellin' tales of drunkenness and cruelty. 
Now I'm sittin' here, 
Sippin' at my ice-cooled beer; 
Lazing on a sunny afternoon. 
Help me, help me, help me sail away. 
Who give me two good reasons why I are to stay? 
'Cause I love to live so pleasantly - Live this life of luxury; 
Lazin' on a sunny afternoon - In the summertime, 
In the summertime. 
Save me, save me, save me from this greed. 
I got a big fat mama, tryin' to break me; 
And I love to live so pleasantly - Live this life of luxury; 
Lazin' on a sunny afternoon - In the summertime - 
In the summertime... 

Anfang Ebm => Em

 42. Fever

Eddie Cooley, John Davenport, Peggy Lee / Peggy Lee: Things Are Swingin' (1958)

Never know how much I love you, Never know how much I care.
B7 Em
When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear.
n.c. Em
You give me fever! When you kiss me;
C6 Em
Fever! When you hold me tight!
B7 Em
Fever - In the mornin' - Fever all through the night.
Sun lights up the day time, Moon lights up the night. 
I light up when you call my name And you know I'm gonna treat you right. 
You give me fever! When you kiss me; 
Fever! When you hold me tight! 
Fever - In the mornin' - Fever all through the night. 
Everybody's got the fever - That is somethin' you all know. 
Fever isn't such a new thing - Fever started long ago. 
Romeo loved Juliet - Juliet, she felt the same. 
When he put his arms around her - He said: Julie, baby, your my flame! 
Thou giveth fever - When we kisseth. 
Fever! with thy flaming youth. 
Fever - I'm a fire - Fever, yeah, I burn for sooth. 
Captain Smith and Pocahontas - Had a very mad affair. 
When her daddy tried to kill him - She said: Daddy, oh don't you dare! 
He gives me fever - With his kisses; 
Fever! When he holds me tight. 
Fever - I'm his misses - Daddy won't you treat him right. 
Now you've listened to my story - Here's the point that I have made: 
Chicks were born to give you fever - Be it fahrenheit or centigrade. 
They give you fever - When you kiss them; 
Fever! If you live you learn. 
Fever - Till you sizzle - But what a lovely way to burn. 

Harp: "G"

 43. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

Bob Dylan

You must leave now, take what you need you think will last.
But whatever you wish to keep you better grab it fast!
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun;
Crying like a fire in the sun.
B7 D
Look out the Saints are comin' through:
|: Am C G :|
It's all over now, Baby Blue.
The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense. 
Take what you have gathered from coincidence. 
The empty handed painter from your streets 
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets. 
This sky too, is folding under you: 
It's all over now, Baby Blue; It's all over now, Baby Blue. 
All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home. 
All your reindeer armies, are all going home. 
The lover who just walked out your door 
Has taken all his blankets from the floor. 
The carpet too, is moving under you: 
It's all over now, Baby Blue; It's all over now, Baby Blue. 
Leave your stepping stone behind, something calls for you. 
Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you. 
The vagabond who's rapping at your door 
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore. 
Strike another match, go start anew: 
It's all over now, Baby Blue; It's all over now, Baby Blue. 

 44. Johnny B. Goode

Chuck Berry (1958)

Deep down in Louisiana, close to New Orleans,
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens, 
There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
Where lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode
Who never ever learned to read or write so well,
But he could play the guitar just like a ringin' a bell.
Go! Go! Go, Johnny, go! Go!
Go, Johnny, go! Go!
Go, Johnny, go! Go!
Go, Johnny, go! Go! Johnny B. Goode!
He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack, 
And sit beneath the tree by the railroad track. 
Living in the city sittin' in the shade, 
Strummin' to the rhythm that the drivers made. 
When people passed him by they would stop and say, 
"Oh my but that little country boy could play". 
Go! Go! Go, Johnny, go! Go! 
Go, Johnny, go! Go! 
Go, Johnny, go! Go! 
Go, Johnny, go! Go! Johnny B. Goode! 
His mother told him: "Someday you will be a man, 
And you will be the leader of a big old band. 
Many people coming from miles around 
To hear you play your music when the sun goes down. 
Maybe some day your name will be in lights - 
Saying Johnny B. Goode tonight!" 
Go! Go! Go, Johnny, go! Go! 
Go, Johnny, go! Go! 
Go, Johnny, go! Go! 
Go, Johnny, go! Go! Johnny B. Goode! 

 45. Apache

Jerry Lordan / the Shadows (1960)

Intro: Am D E-------------|-----------------------| B-------------|-----8/10-8-5----------| G----5-7-7B-7-|---5------------------o| D--7----------|-7--------------------o| A-------------|-----------------------| E-------------|-----------------------| 1st theme: (D) Am D Am E------|----------------|-----------------|-----|------| B------|----------------|-----------------|-----|------| G------|o--2--------2---|-----------------|-----|-----o| D----2-|o-------2-------|-2H4----2----0---|-2---|-(2)-o| A------|----------------|-----------------|-----|------| E------|----------------|-----------------|-----|------| 2nd theme: (Am) D G D E-----|-----------------|-----------------|-----|------| B-----|----3--------3---|-----------------|-----|------| G---2-|--------2--------|-2H4----2----0---|--2--|------| D-----|-----------------|-----------------|-----|--(2)-| A-----|-----------------|-----------------|-----|------| E-----|-----------------|-----------------|-----|------| 3rd theme: F Am E---------------------------------|--------------------------------|-------------|----| B---------------------------------|--------------------------------|-------------|----| G---------------------------------|--------------------------------|-------------|---o| D-----------3--3--3-------3--3--3-|-----------3--3--3------3--3--3-|---2---------|---o| A-----3--------------3------------|--3----------------3------------|---------(0)-|----| E---------------------------------|--------------------------------|-------------|----| 4th theme: |1st /3rd |2nd F G | C Am | C Am E----------------------------------|---------------|-----|--------------|--------| B--------------1-----0-----1-----3s|-s5---3---1----|-----|------3s5--3h-|-h5--8--| G--------2-------------------------|-------------2-|-----|--0-----------|-------o| D--3-------------------------------|---------------|-----|--------------|-------o| A----------------------------------|---------------|-----|--------------|--------| E----------------------------------|---------------|-----|--------------|--------| Sequence: Intro | 1. | 1. | 2. | 1. | 3. | 3. | 4. | 4. | 4. | 3. | 3. | (tremolo) 1. | 1. | (clean) 2. | (tremolo) 1. | 4. | 4. | 4. | 3. | 3. | Intro (repeat & fade out) |

Harp "D"

 46. Hoochie Coochie Man

Willie Dixon / Muddy Waters (1954 )

The gypsy woman told my mother,
Before I was born
I got a boy child's comin',
He's gonna be a son of a gun
He gonna make pretty women's,
jump and shout
Then the world wanna know,
E/G/E/G A A A7
what this all about
But you know I'm him,
D7 A
everybody knows I'm him
Well you know I'm the hoochie coochie man,
D D7 A E7
everybody knows I'm him
I got a black cat bone, 
I got a mojo too. 
I got the Johnny Concheroo, 
I'm gonna mess with you. 
I'm gonna make you girls, 
lead me by my hand, 
Then the world will know, 
the hoochie coochie man! 
But you know I'm him, 
Everybody knows I'm him 
Well you know I'm the hoochie coochie man, 
Everybody knows I'm him 
On the seventh hours, 
on the seventh day, 
On the seventh month, 
the seven doctors say: 
He was born for good luck, 
and that you'll see, 
I got seven hundred dollars, 
don't you mess with me! 
But you know I'm him, 
Everybody knows I'm him. 
Well you know I'm the hoochie coochie man, 
Everybody knows I'm him! 

 47. Ring of Fire

June Carter & Merle Kilgore / Johnny Cash (1963)

Intro: G C G G D G
|: / / / / | / / / / :|
Love is a burnin' thing and it makes a fiery ring.
Bound by wild desire I fell into your ring of fire
I fell into a burnin' ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames, they got higher
And it burns, burns, burns, that ring of fire, that ring of fire.
The taste of love is sweet, when hearts like ours meet. 
I fell for you like a child, Oooh, but the fire went wild. 
I fell into a burnin' ring of fire 
I went down, down, down and the flames, they got higher 
And it burns, burns, burns, that ring of fire, that ring of fire. 

 48. Samba pa Ti

Carlos Santana / Santana: Abraxas (1970)

|: | G | Bm | Em | Am7 | G | Bm | Em | Am7 |
|: - | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / |
| D | Am7 | D | | Am | Bm | Am | D :|
| / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | - | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / - :|
| | G | Bm | Am | D | G | Bm | Am | D |
| - | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / |
double time (repeat & fade out):
|: G | Am :|
|: / / / / | / / / / :|

 49. School's Out

Alice Cooper, Glen Buxton, Michael Bruce, Dennis Dunaway, Neal Smith / Alice Cooper: School's Out (1972)

Em (A) Em (G) Em (A) (G) E-|------------------------------------------| B-|------------------------------------------| main riff G-|---------14-----------12----------14---12-| D-|-14--14--14---14--14--12--14--14--14------| (repeat through verse) A-|-14--14-------14--14------12--14----------| E-|-12-----------12----------12--------------|
Well we got no choice, All girls and boys,
Making all that noise, Cause they found new toys. 
C D Eb
Well we cant salute you can't find the flag. If that don't suit you that's a drag!
Gm Bb C Fm - Gm Gm Bb C Fm - Gm
Schools out for summer, schools out for ever,
Gm Bb C F-Gm A G F
School's been blown to pieces.
C D C D C D C D C D C D C D C D Em - A Em - G Em - A - G
No more pencils, no more bo-oks, no more teachers, dirty lo-oks.
Well we got no class, And we got no principles,
And we got no innocence, We can't even think of a word that rhymes. 
Gm Bb C Fm - Gm Gm Bb C F-Gm
School's out for summer, School's out for ever,
Gm Bb C Fm - Gm A G F
School's been blown to pieces.
C D C D C D C D C D C D C D C D Em - A Em - G Em - A - G
No more pencils, no more bo-oks, no more teachers, dirty lo-oks.
Out for summer, Out till fa-all, We might not go back at all.
Gm Bb C Fm - Gm Gm Bb C Fm - Gm
School's out for ever, School's out for summer,
Gm Bb C F Gm Gm Bb C Fm - Gm
School's out with fever, School's out completely.

 50. The Wind Cries Mary

Jimi Hendrix

|: D (I.) D# E - - - D (octave) C# D - - - :|
After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
F# A D D# E
Footsteps dressed in red
F# A C C# D - - - C C# D
And the wind whispers Mary
A broom is drearily sweeping
Up the broken pieces of yesterday's life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
F# A D D# E
Somewhere a king has no wife
F# A D D# E - - - D D# E
And the wind cries Mary
The traffic lights turn blue tomorrow
And shine the emptyness down on my bed.
The tiny island sags downstream
F# A D D# E
'Cause the life that lived is dead.
F# A D D# E - - - D D# E
And the wind screams Mary
Will the wind ever remember
The names it has blown in the past.
With it's crutch, it's old age, and it's wisdom,
F# A D D# E
It whispers no, this will be the last.
F# A D D# E - - - D D# E - - - D D# E - - - D D# E
And the wind cries Mary

 51. Die Gedanken sind frei


G D7 G
Die Gedanken sind frei, Wer kann sie erraten,
D7 G
Sie fliehen vorbei, Wie nächtliche Schatten.
D7 G D7 A
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, Kein Jäger erschießen,
C A D7 G
Es bleibet dabei: die Gedanken sind frei!
Ich denke was ich will Und was mich beglücket, 
Doch alles in der Still', Und wie es sich schicket. 
Mein Wunsch, mein Begehren Kann niemand verwehren, 
Es bleibet dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei! 
Und sperrt man mich ein Im finsteren Kerker, 
Das alles sind rein vergebliche Werke; 
Denn meine Gedanken Zerreißen die Schranken 
Und Mauern entzwei: Die Gedanken sind frei! 
Drum will ich auf immer Den Sorgen entsagen 
Und will mich auch nimmer Mit Willen verklagen. 
Man kann ja im Herzen Stets lachen und scherzen 
Und denken dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei! 

 52. Hey Joe

Jimi Hendrix

Hey Joe where ya' goin' with that gun in your hand?
C G D A E E7
I said hey Joe where ya goin' with that gun in your hand?
I'm goin' out to find my woman now,
D A E E7
She's been runnin' round with some other man
I said I'm goin' out to find my woman now!
D A E E7
She's been runnin' 'round with some other man
Hey Joe tell me what are you gonna do? 
Hey Joe tell me what are you gonna do? 
Well I guess I'll shoot my woman, 
That's what I'll do! 
Well I guess I'll shoot them both 
Before I'm through. 
Hey Joe tell me where are you gonna go? 
Hey Joe tell me where are you gonna go? 
Well I think I'll go down to my favourite place Mexico, 
Well I think I'll go down to where a man can be free. 
And there ain't gonna be no hangmans ropes 
Gonna be put around me. 

 53. Save The Last Dance For Me

Doc Pomus, Mort Shuman / the Drifters (1960)

You can dance, every dance with the guy who gives you the eye, Let him hold you tight!
D7 G
You can smile, every smile for the man who held your hand 'Neath the pale moonlight.
G C C7 G
But Don't forget who's taking you home And in whose arms you're gonna be:
D D7 G
So darling, save the last dance for me!
Oh I know that the music is fine like sparkling wine, Go and have your fun!
D7 G
Laugh and sing but while we're apart Don't give your heart to anyone!
G C C7 G
But Don't forget who's taking you home And in whose arms you're gonna be:
D D7 G
So darling, save the last dance for me!
Baby don't you know I love you so, Can't you feel it when we touch?
I will never never let you go Cause I love you oh so much.
You can dance, go and carry on, Till the night is gone and it's time to go.
D7 G
If he asks, if you're all alone, can he take you home, You must tell him No.
G C C7 G
But Don't forget who's taking you home And in whose arms you're gonna be:
D D7 G
So darling, save the last dance for me!
G C C7 G
But Don't forget who's taking you home And in whose arms you're gonna be:
D D7 G
So darling, save the last dance for me!
D D7 G D D7 G
Mm-mh, Save the last dance for me! Mm-mh, Save the last dance for me!

Harp: "C"

 54. Green, Green Grass Of Home

Curly Putman / Tom Jones (1966)

The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train,
C G7
And there to meet me is my mama and papa.
C C7 F F
Down the road I look and there runs Mary, hair of gold and lips like cherries,
C G G7 C F C
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
C C7 F
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms a-reaching, smiling sweetly;
C G G7 C F C
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
The old house is still standing, though the paint is cracked and dry,
C G7
And there's that old oak tree that I used to play on;
C C7 F
Down the lane I walk and with my sweet Mary, hair of gold an lips like cherries;
C G G7 C F C
it's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Then I awake and look around me, at the four gray walls that surround me; 
And I realize that I was only dreaming. 
For there's a guard and there's a sad old padre. Arm and arm we'll walk at daybreak, 
Again I'll touch the green, green grass of home. 
C C7 F
Yes, they'll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree;
C G G7 C F C
As they lay me 'neath the green, green grass of home.

Harp "D"

 55. I'm A Stranger Here

Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry (1960)

A A7
I'm a stranger here, just blow'd in your town, Oh, yes, I am!
I'm a stranger here, just blow'd in your town.
E7 D7 A E7
Well, because I'm a stranger, everybody wants to dog me 'round.
I'm gonna write home to daddy to send me my railroad fare, Oh, yes, I am! 
I'm gonna write home to dad to send me my railroad fare, Oh, yes, I am! 
Well, if he don't send it, I don't mind walkin' down. 
I'm goin' back home have to wear out ninetynine pair of shoes, Oh, yes, I am! 
I'm goin' back home have to wear out ninetynine pair of shoes, Oh, yes, I am! 
When I get back there I won't have these old stranger blues. 
Let's walk together, boy 
Well, I wonder why people treats the strangers so, Oh, Lordy Lord! 
Well, I wonder why people treats the strangers so. 
Well, I ain't got no place I just go from door to door. 
You know, I'm a stranger here, just blowed in your town; Oh, yes, I am! 
Well, I'm a stranger here, just blowed in your town; Oh, yes, I am! 
Well, if I askin' for a favor, please don't turn me down. 

 56. Black Magic Woman

Peter Green / Fleetwood Mac

Em Am Em
Got a black magic woman,got a black magic woman,
Am Dm
Yes, I've got a black magic woman, got me so blind I can't see,
Am Em Am
that she's a black magic woman and she's try'in to make a devil out of me.
Don't turn your back on me baby, don't turn your back on me baby, 
Yes, don't turn your back on me baby, stop messin' around with your tricks. 
Don't turn your back on me baby, 'cause you just might pick up my magic sticks. 
You got your spell on me baby, you got your spell on me baby, 
Yes, you got your spell on me, baby, turnin' my heart into stone. 
I need you so bad, magic woman, I can't leave you alone. 
Yes, I need you so bad; I need you, darlin'; I need you, darlin'.
Yes, I want you to love me; I want you to love me. Oh, Yeah! Oh-oh, yeah; 
Yes, I need your love; Oh, I need your love so bad, I need your love... 

 57. Horch was kommt von draußen 'rein


Horch was kommt von draußen 'rein - Hollahi Hollaho
C G G7 C
Wird wohl mein fein's Liebchen sein - Hollahi jaho
F C G G7 C C7
Geht vorbei und schaut nicht 'rein - Hollahi Hollaho
F C G G7 C
Wird's wohl nicht gewesen sein - Hollahi jaho
Leute haben's oft gesagt - Hollahi Hollaho 
Daß ich ein fein's Liebchen hab - Hollahi jaho 
Laß sie reden schweig fein still - Hollahi Hollaho 
Kann ja lieben wen ich will - Hollahi jaho 
Sagt mir, Leute, ganz gewiß, - Hollahi Hollaho 
Was das für ein Lieben ist; - Hollahi jaho 
Die ich liebe, krieg ich nicht, - Hollahi Hollaho 
Und 'ne andre mag ich nicht. - Hollahi jaho 
Wenn mein Liebchen Hochzeit hat - Hollahi Hollaho 
Ist für mich ein Trauertag - Hollahi jaho 
Geh ich in mein Kämmerlein - Hollahi Hollaho 
Trage meinen Schmerz allein - Hollahi jaho 
Wenn ich dann gestorben bin - Hollahi Hollaho 
Trägt man mich zum Grabe hin - Hollahi jaho 
Setzt mir einen Leichenstein - Hollahi Hollaho 
Pflanzt mir drauf Vergißnicht mein - Hollahi jaho 
Wenn ich dann im Himmel bin, - Hollahi Hollaho 
Ist mein Liebchen auch darin, - Hollahi jaho 
Denn es ist ein alter Brauch, - Hollahi Hollaho 
Was sich liebt, das kriegt sich auch, - Hollahi jaho 

Harp "G"

 58. If the Day Was Any Longer

Rory Gallagher / Taste: On the Boards (1970)

D D7 G F
If the day was any longer, Could I change your mind,
D D7 G F
If your love was any stronger, You'd stay behind.
|: D A7 A7 D : |
| Will I lose my mind, Just to pass the time? |
D D7 G F
If the day was any brighter, You'd have seen the signs,
D D7 G F
If your love begins to wander, Should I count the times?
|: D A7 A7 D : |
| Will I lose my mind, Just to pass the time? |
Harp solo
|: D D7 G F :| |: D A7 A7 D D A7 D :|
D D7 G F
If the day was any day, You would forget my name,
D D7 G F
But the things that I am saying, They'd still mean the same.
|: D A7 A7 D : |
| Will I lose my mind, Just to pass the time? |
|: D A7 A7 D D A7 D :|

 59. Junge komm bald wieder

Lotar Olias, Walter Rothenburg / Freddy Quinn (1963)

Junge komm bald wieder, bald wieder nach Haus.
D7 G
Junge fahr nie wieder, nie wieder hinaus.
Ich mach mir Sorgen, Sorgen um dich;
D D7 G
Denk auch an morgen, denk auch an mich!
Junge komm bald wieder, bald wieder nach Haus.
D7 G
Junge fahr nie wieder, nie wieder hinaus.
Wohin die Seefahrt mich im Leben trieb,
Ich weiß noch heute, was mir Mutter schrieb.
In jedem Hafen kam ein Brief an Bord
Und immer schrieb sie "Bleib nicht so lange fort".
Junge komm bald wieder, bald wieder nach Haus 
Junge fahr nie wieder, nie wieder hinaus 
Ich weiß noch wie die erste Fahrt verlief, 
Ich schlich mich heimlich fort als Mutter schlief, 
Als sie erwachte war ich auf dem Meer. 
Im ersten Brief stand "Komm doch bald wieder her". 
Junge komm bald wieder, bald wieder nach Haus. 
Junge fahr nie wieder, nie wieder hinaus. 
Ich mach mir Sorgen, Sorgen um dich. 
Denk auch an morgen, denk auch an mich. 
Junge komm bald wieder, bald wieder nach Haus. 
Junge fahr nie wieder, nie wieder hinaus. 

 60. Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Bob Dylan

G D Am7 G D C
|: G D Am7 G D C :|
Oooh Oooh Oooh - Oooh Oooh Oooh
G D Am7
Mama take this badge off of me,
I can't use it anymore.
G D Am7
It's getting dark, too dark for me to see;
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
G D Am7
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
G D Am7
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
G D Am7
Mama, put my guns in the ground.
I can't shoot them anymore.
G D Am7
That long black cloud is comin' down.
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
G D Am7
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
G D Am7
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
G D Am7 G D C
Ooh - ooh - ooh - ooh Ooh - ooh - ooh ...

 61. Locomotive Breath

Ian Anderson / Jethro Tull: Aqualung (1971)

Intro Em |: Em | G D Em : |
"Bourree" | / x x x x x / - / | / - / / / / |
Em Em G D Em
In the shuffling madness
Em Em G D Em
Of Locomotive Breath.
Em Em G D B
Runs the all-time loser
B B D Em
Headlong to his death.
Em Em G D Em
Oh! He feels the pistons scraping,
Em Em G
Steam Breaking on his brow:
Old Charlie stole the handle
And the train, it won't stop going:
B A G Em
No way to slow down.
He sees his children jumping off 
At stations one by one. 
His woman and his best friend 
In bed and having fun. 
Oh! He's crawling down the corridor 
On his hands and knees. 
Old Charlie stole the handle 
And the train, it won't stop going 
No way to slow down. 
He hears the silence howling 
Catches angels as they fall. 
And the all-time winner 
Has got him by the balls. 
Oh he picks up gideon's Bible 
Open at page one. 
I thank God He stole the handle 
And the train, it won't stop going: 
No way to slow down! 

 62. Rockin' All Over The World

John Fogerty / John Fogerty: John Fogerty (1975)

Well, a-here-we-are, a-here-we-are, a-here we go,
Four in the mornin', gonna hittin' the road,
Here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!
Well, a-geedee-up, a-geedee-up, a-get away,
We're goin' crazy, and we're goin' today, here we go-oh!
Rockin' all over the world!
And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it,
I la-la-like it, la-la-like, here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!
Well, I'm gonna tell your Mama what I'm gonna do,
We're going out tonight with our dancin' shoes, Here we go-oh!
Rockin' all over the world!
And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it,
I la-la-like it, la-la-like, here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!
And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it,
I la-la-like it, la-la-like, here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!
And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it,
I la-la-like it, la-la-like, here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!
And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it,
I la-la-like it, la-la-like, here we go-oh! Rockin' all over the world!
In the night... (fade out) 

 63. Don't Worry, Be Happy

Bobby McFerrin / Bobby McFerrin: Simple Pleasures (1988)

C Dm F C
C Dm
Here's a little song I wrote, You might want to sing it note for note,
Don't worry, be happy.
C Dm
In every life we have some trouble, But when you worry you make it double,
Don't worry, be happy. (Don't worry, be happy now.)
|: C Dm F C :|
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.
C Dm
Ain't got no place to lay your head, Somebody came and took your bed,
Don't worry, be happy.
C Dm
The landlord say your rent is late, He may have to litigate,
Don't worry, be happy. (Look at me - I'm happy.)
C Dm F
Don't worry, be happy.
Here I give you my phone number. When you worry, call me,
C Dm F C
Don't worry, be happy.
C Dm
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style Ain't got no gal to make you smile
Don't worry, be happy.
'Cause when you worry your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down, So
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy now.
C Dm F C
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.
C Dm F C
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.
C Dm F C
Don't worry, don't worry, don't do it. Be happy.
Put a smile on your face. Don't bring everybody down. 
C Dm F C
Don't worry. It will soon pass, whatever it is. Don't worry, be happy.

 64. Highway Chile

Jimi Hendrix / the Jimi Hendrix Experience (1967)

Yeah! His guitar slung across his back,
His dusty boots is his cadillac. 
A flamin' hair just a-blowin' in the wind 
ain't seen a bed in so long, it's a sin. 
He left home when he was seventeen,
The rest of the world he was gonna see. 
And everybody knows the boss,
a rollin' stone gathers no moss. 
Now you'd probably call him a tramp,
But it goes a little deeper than that.
Em intro1 intro1
He's a highway chile. Yeah!
Now some people say he had a girl back home
who messed around and did her baby wrong. 
They tell me it kinda hurt him bad, 
Kinda made him feel pretty sad. 
I couldn't say what went through his mind,
Anyway he left the world behind. 
Well, everybody knows the same old story:
in love or war you can lose your glory. 
Now you'd probably a-call him a tramp,
But I know it goes a little deeper than that.
Em intro1 intro1 intro2 intro2 Em
He's a highway chile. Walk on brother! Man!
His old guitar slung across his back
His dusty boots is his cadillac 
Flamin' hair just a-blowin' in the wind
ain't seen a bed in so long it's a sin 
Now you'd probably a-call him a tramp
But I know it goes a little deeper than that
Em intro1 intro1 intro2
He's a highway chile. Walk on brother
intro2 intro2 ...
Don't let no one stop you Highway Child!
You can play this either in Em or like it is here, in Fm with all strings tuned down 1/2 step.
Intro: 2X intro 1 2X intro 2 ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -9--------8------8-------8-------6------ -13-------11-----11------11------9------- -11(13)~--10(12)-10(12)--10(12)--8(10)~- -15(17)~--13(15)-13(15)--13(15)--11(13)~- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Verse: Fm C#7/#9 Fm G# A# Fm --------------------- -0------ -4-6- -6-8- ---1----------------- -5------ -4-4- -6-6- ---1----------------- -4------ -5-5- -7-7- ---3-1---1t3--------- -3------ ----- ----- -------3-------1-2-3- -4------ ----- ----- -1-----------4------- -------- ----- ----- repeat first part of intro second verse repeat intro Solo: ---------13------------------------------13--------------- -------13--16(18)~-(18)--13-13~--------13--16(18)--13-13~- -15(17)----------------15--------15(17)----------15(17)--- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------13----------------13----------------13-------------------- -------13--16(18)~-------13--16(18)~-------13--16(18)~-16p13--13~-- -15(17)------------15(17)------------15(17)-----------------15(17)- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------13---------13---------13------------------13--------13------------- -------13---------13---------13--16(18)(18)~-----13--------13---16(18)(18)~- -15(17)-----15(17)-----15(17)---------------15(17)----15(17)---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------13-------16p13------16p13-------------------13--------13------------ -------13---16p13------16(18)-----16(18)(18)~------13--------13--16(18)(18)~- -15(17)--------------------------------------15(17)----15(17)---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------13---------13------------------13----------------- -------13---------13--16(18)(18)~-----13---16(18)(18)(18)~- -15(17)-----15(17)---------------15(17)-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------13--------13--------13--------13---------------------- -------13--------13--------13--------13---13-----13-----13----- -15(17)----15(17)----15(17)----15(17)-----15(17)-15(17)-15(17)- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Third verse repeat intro Outro: ------------------------------------------13----------------------------------- -13-------11-----11------11------9--------16(18)~--13-----11-----11-----9------ -15(17)~--13(15)-13(15)--13(15)--11(13)~-----------15(17)-13(15)-13(15)-11(13)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 65. Memphis Underground

Herbie Mann

C7 Bass |: / / / / :| G|--------------------------| D|--------------------------| A|--3--3-----------1--3--1--| E|-----------1--3-----------| C7 Melodie | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | / / / / | e|--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------|---------------------------| b|--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------|---------------------------| G|--5--5--------------5--5--|-----------------2-----3--|------2--------------------|---------------------------| D|--------------------------|----2------5--------------|------------5-----3-----1s-|--2------------------------| A|--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------|------3--3-----------------| E|--------------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------|---------------------------|
Albatross Again1
Am Strand von Duisburg2
Bird on the Wire33
Black Magic Woman56
Closing Time40
Dance Me To The End Of Love28
Das Fundament der Liebe4
Das Lied der betenden Witwe5
Die Amsel18
Die Gedanken sind frei51
Die Sehenden erblinden6
Don't Worry, Be Happy63
Ein Marmeladenbrot14
Everybody Knows34
First we Take Manhattan30
Green, Green Grass Of Home54
Grüße an Lydie17
Hey Joe52
Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye38
Highway Chile64
Hoochie Coochie Man46
Horch was kommt von draußen 'rein57
I'm A Stranger Here55
I'm Your Man29
Ich will leben7
If the Day Was Any Longer58
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue43
Joan of Arc25
Johnny B. Goode44
Junge komm bald wieder59
Knockin' on Heaven's Door60
Kopf Hoch8
Locomotive Breath61
Lover Lover Lover23
Memphis Underground65
Mit Dir finde ich zu mir19
My Brother (He's a Spiderman Fan)15
On a Beautiful Day13
Ring of Fire47
Rockin' All Over The World62
Samba pa Ti48
Save The Last Dance For Me53
School's Out49
So Long, Marianne24
Sunny Afternoon41
The Future31
The Guests27
The Partisan (La Complainte du Partisan)39
The Wind Cries Mary50
There is a War35
Tonight Will be Fine26
Tower of Song36
Who by Fire32
Witten, oh Witten12
Wovon Ich singe16
You Want it Darker21

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